Infidelity is a complex and sensitive issue, and these numbers highlight the prevalence of such incidents in both unmarried and married relationships.  It’s important to remember that these statistics may vary depending on the source, the specific demographics studied, and the definition of infidelity used in the research. The rate of infidelity can be defined by various cultural, social, and individual factors. The recovery rate can also vary depending on multiple factors.

Research suggest around 30–40% of relationships and 18–20% of marriages see at least one incident of sexual infidelity. It appears that rates of infidelity in a relationship increase with age particularly among women.  In one particular study, rates appeared higher in more recent marriages, compared with those of previous generations.  For couples and individuals dealing with infidelity, these statistics serve help them understand that they are not alone in facing these challenges. 

The time it takes to heal from infidelity in a relationship can vary significantly from one person to another and depends on various factors, including the nature of the relationship, the circumstances surrounding the infidelity, and the individuals involved. Here are some variables when it comes to infidelity:

Individual Resilience:

Some people are naturally more resilient and may be able to cope with infidelity more quickly than others.

Relationship Dynamics:

The state of the relationship before the infidelity occurred can impact the healing process. A strong foundation and good communication may help with the recovery.

Transparency and Communication:

Open and honest communication between the involved parties can facilitate healing. This includes discussing the reasons behind the infidelity and the steps taken to prevent it from happening again.

Seeking Help:

Many couples find that professional therapy or counseling can accelerate the healing process. A therapist can provide guidance, tools, and a safe space for discussing difficult emotions.


Healing often involves forgiveness, which can be a long and complex process. Both partners need to be committed to this journey.


Healing from infidelity is not a linear process, and it can take a long time. It may involve periods of anger, sadness, confusion, and doubt. Over time, these emotions may diminish as trust is rebuilt.

In general, it’s essential to recognize that healing from infidelity is a highly individualized process. Some couples may find that they can rebuild their relationship and trust over time, while others may ultimately decide to part ways. Patience, commitment, and support, whether from each other or from professionals, can significantly impact the healing timeline. There’s no fixed timeline for healing, and it’s crucial to be compassionate with yourself and your partner as you work through the aftermath of infidelity.

Recovery and Reconciliation:

Resources  such as counseling and therapy, can help a couple navigate the aftermath of infidelity and work toward healing and resolution. Many couples make efforts to heal and rebuild their relationship after infidelity. Guidance can be a game changer and give a couple the confidence to get through this traumatic issue.  With open communication, therapy, and a commitment to addressing the underlying issues, some are successful in repairing the damage caused by infidelity. 


Separation or Divorce:

On the other hand, some couples may not be able to overcome the breach of trust, and infidelity can lead to separation or divorce.


Mixed Outcomes:

In some cases, couples may find a middle ground, where they decide to stay together but acknowledge that the relationship has fundamentally changed. 

The likelihood of recovery can depend on factors such as the level of remorse, the willingness to rebuild trust, the strength of the relationship’s foundation, and the effort both partners are willing to invest in therapy and personal growth.

It’s essential to realise that healing from infidelity is a complex and individualized process, and the outcome can vary widely from one relationship to another. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to recovery from infidelity. In my experience it can take up to six months of therapy to recover, however, there are many couples that can get through it in a few months.

The tragedy of Infidelity is that many couples will split instead of reaching out for help and understanding the potential issues and beliefs that lead to the betrayal. A couple that decides to to work through the challenges posed by infidelity have a very good chance and can actually improve the quality of the relationship in spite of the turmoil it creates.