My Therapy Tips, Tools & Insights
Newcastle NSW AustraliaPlease feel free to read some of my articles below that cover a range of therapy tips, tools and insights.
My therapy tips, insights and tools include information sourced from experts in the field of psychology and cover breakthroughs in neuroscience. My intention is to also include helpful snippets based on my first hand therapeutic knowledge and psychological observations. My therapy tips and methods also include book suggestions, reviews and a collection of practical resources that help enable change to take place at a faster rate.
I am fascinated with themes of neurobiology, subconscious conditioning and how to access ways that enable one to function at their peak. Negative moods states, subconscious blocks and bad feeling thoughts create obstacles to achieving a meaningful life. I love to explore ways to increase ones vibrational frequency by enhancing ones mood states. When we find the means to get past these obstacles we are free to be the person we truly would like to be. By overcoming these states and learning to gain control of our thoughts we are able to find success in all areas of our life.
I am passionate about researching ways to break subconscious beliefs and habitual behaviours that do not benefit us. I am always searching for ways, new and old, that deepen our self-awareness. I am constantly reviewing methods that lead to mastery in personal development.
At the core of my writings I challenge my readers to ponder the concept of belief and perception. We hold many subconscious beliefs that are handed down to us trans-generationally. I encourage my clients to always think for themselves, find their own answers based on well-researched knowledge. My aim is to provide material and therapy tips that develop self-awareness, Intuition and visualisation skills for those on that journey of self-discovery.
There is one good reason why you may not be motivated to reach a certain goal or procrastinate when it comes to achieving a particular task. This can be explained by understanding the difference between your extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. If your relationship has continued to become toxic over time without any evidence of improvement, then it is time to start asking yourself some tough questions. The term “Mutual Abuse has been highlighted in the media recently with the Johhny Depp vs Amber Heard defamation trial following their couple’s counsellor’s testimony describing their relationship dynamic. I… Couples recovering from infidelity know how painful it can be for the betrayer as well as the betrayed. In fact, the way the betrayed responds to the infidelity will have a significant effect on the couple’s ability to heal their relationship, to the same degree as the betrayer. We all hold some ideology about money and for many it stems from a source of fear, anxiety, or even disgust. Our financial beliefs influence how we spend, save, or manage our money. If you have experienced any form of financial trauma you will understand the ripple effect it has in many areas of your life. Infidelity is considered a very emotionally painful form of betrayal for the victim so much so that it was once considered a criminal offence. There is a variety of reasons for infidelity that lead a couple to therapy which may not be easily understood initially. Anyone who is an emotional eater or has an eating disorder knows how difficult it can be to change their eating patterns. Talk therapy, exercise and diet plans may work to some extent. If you are an emotional eater or have a diagnosed eating disorder and are still struggling Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy may help transform your relationship with food and your relationship with self for good. Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is a defining factor for any couple that will measure the overall success of the relationship. A certain level of Emotional Intelligence is required for a couple to stay connected and will determine the quality and longevity of the relationship. We can always improve on our Emotional Intelligence by adopting certain goals and implementing approaches with our beloved. Here are five ways to increase the emotional intelligence in your relationship. Repetition compulsion is a phenomenon that happens when there is an unconscious need to re-enact old traumas. This may happen for someone that repeatedly experiences sexual assaults or endures relationships that may harm them emotionally or physically. Dating stress can often lead to missing important red flags that we may later regret. The focus on giving a good impression and wondering if you will be liked often undermines our ability to psycho-analyse the personality traits and habits of the person we are dating.How Does Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Effect You?
Four Reasons Why You Stay in a Toxic Relationship
Is it Reactive Abuse or Mutual Abuse?
The Best Ways to Recover From Infidelity
The Three Biggest Limiting Financial Beliefs
The 7 Most Common Causes of Infidelity
EMDR as a Treatment for Emotional Eating
Five Ways to Increase Emotional Intelligence in Your Relationship
Are You in a Cycle of Repetition Compulsion?
The 5 Biggest Dating Red Flags